Trainings, workshops, Seminars

The Learning and Development axis is made to allow SMEs the opportunity to develop their business management practices, enhance their soft skills, grow their business or simply increase their knowledge in different topics.


The Bank organizes roadshows either independently or in collaboration with second parties, namely Municipalities, NGOs, Chambers of Commerce, Syndicates or COOPs to create awareness of BLC Bank’s Business Solutions; to allow the Bank to network with its clients and the clients to network with one another. There are two types of roadshows:

  • Informative Roadshows: during these roadshows the Bank presents the full range of Business Solutions available to support entrepreneurs, answer the attendees’ queries and guide them to implement best practices in their business, provide financial advice, clear out any ambiguity related to banking products and processes and reveal the importance of implementing sustainable practices in their businesses.
  • Technical Roadshows: these roadshows are especially destined for the remote and rural regions, whereby a field specialist offers a presentation on a specific area of expertise with first hand advice and tips.
Business Power Sessions

BLC Bank’s Business Power Sessions are intense, information rich, walk-on-fire brain-charge business networking breakfasts designed to help you break free, dig deep and make an amazing progress in record time.

The purpose of the Business Breakfast is to create an opportunity for businessmen, academics, journalists, bloggers… to meet in a round table to discuss a topic of interest, share thoughts, experience and ideas, interact and build network. It is a meeting for around 30 persons run by a speaker, a third party.

Every brunch is followed by a cocktail reception allowing the participant to network among each other.

Check out our upcoming sessions at and choose the most relevant business topics to your needs

Business Tools
  • the, a unique and innovative platform allowing women to connect, interact, share experiences, build network, contribute by writing articles and giving suggestions to other women and participate in the forum discussions. It also gives them the opportunity to talk about their ideas and inspirations and get insights on how to develop them and also the opportunity to build experiences and benchmark against best practices.

    By accessing to this website, every woman can benefit from articles related to money and finance, get inspired from success stories and take advantage of business tools. She can consult the experts and mentors, exchange tips about writing CVs, organizing her work, enhancing her career, balancing her professional and personal life, exchange business cards with other prominent business women, post job openings in her company or even promoting the business and have access to a comprehensive range of products and services addressing the evolving banking needs.

    Moreover she can access the events section to discover all the upcoming events (training, conference, networking events and exhibition), be it local or international, whether organized by BLC Bank or other leading institutions.